House vs Home

Every single place of residence can be considered a house, apartment, hut, dwelling, mansion, shack, condo, or any number of things you want to call it. But how does a house become a home? What defines it? Maybe its family, love, the smell, or memories. Someone else might say it’s their book or vinyl collections. And still others will say it’s their bed. Googling home will give you a few definitions similar to “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household”. Everyone could very well have their own unique answer, but here’s what I think.


It’s as simple as that. Home, to me, is a place where I can feel most comfortable. With this definition, home can be almost anywhere. So long as I have my personal creature comforts, I can feel home. Here are some of the features and items that make a place home to me.

Coffee, because coffee.

Computer, only the most important piece of technology in my life.

Headphones, to block out the world and immerse myself in another.

Couch, everyone needs a comfortable place to relax.

Neutral colors, keep the palette clean and simple to feel more relaxed.

LED lighting, that illuminates the space perfectly.

The best food, because I need food.

A space for me, so you can leave me alone.

Family, to enjoy spending time together.

The surroundings, because a great view goes a long way.